Together, we and other nonprofits, share in the commitment to support and better the lives of those who are in need of love and compassion the most.
Who we support
Veracruz Children's Home
Nuevo Laredo Children's Home
Bethany's Children's Home - Haiti
The Nest Children's Home - Jamaica
The Hogar De Ninos - Guadalajara
Mazatlan Children's Home
Charities we support
Torreon Children's Home
Door of Hope - Tijuana
Tampico Children's Home
Puebla Children's Home
Coatzacoalcos Children's Home - Veracruz
Villahermosa Children's Home
Chihuahua Children's Home
Solid Rock Foundation was established to support select organizations whom construct warm homes, build safer water systems, and spread God's grace to those who need it most. We strive to provide more than just a shelter for children and families, but a solid base to grow and be nourished mind, body and soul. All around the world, there are those who dream of a better tomorrow and that is just what this organization is committed to accomplish.
Become a Partner
If you would like to partner with us, fill out the form below and we will get back to you.